Non-Surgical Procedures (MedSpa Procedures)
Injectables, laser treatments, and professional skincare treatments can dramatically improve the skin’s appearance, reducing wrinkles and clearing away visible signs of aging. These procedures are called non-surgical because they do not involve cutting of the skin to directly access the tissue layers underneath. These procedures are sometimes referred to as medspa or medical spa procedures. Non-surgical procedures include a variety medical devices that generate heat, cold, radio waves, sound, light or other ways of influencing the human body. Learn more about these treatments below.
Botox-type Injectables
Get details about the nation’s most popular non-surgical wrinkle treatment:
Injectable Fillers
Smooth unwanted lines, enhance the cheeks & lips, and love your more youthful appearance:
Skin Resurfacing
Beautiful, healthy skin is essential for a more beautiful you. Skin resurfacing can help:
Non-Surgical Fat Reduction
Lose stubborn inches without surgery or downtime.
Skin Tightening
Tighten loose or sagging skin without surgery:
Cellulite Reduction
Smooth the dimpled skin appearance known as cellulite: